Suzanne Gwozdz

The emotional rollercoaster of caregiving is a deeply human experience, shaped by the personal connections involved and challenges faced. As a caregiver, I have experienced these emotions which have led to depression, anxiety, and trauma from the demands placed on me. Others I have spoken to have PTSD from their experiences, and recommend finding support and balance during this time.

My artistic journey began as a child. Most of my drawings were of dogs and horses, which still in my adult life is my passion. I continued exploring art through my freshman year in college and then had to drop out of school for financial reasons. After becoming an empty nester, I found the time to continue my artistic journey. Over the last year, I have created pieces that inspire me. I have taken classes to learn from other artists. My hope is to continue this journey and to create art that moves others emotionally.

The Caregiver

Acrylic on canvas

24 x 24 inches



Ronda Gish


Varga Erika Veronika