
My work is Art as Therapy, it has been my passion and outlet. I am a mental health advocate. At a young age, i fractured my skull front to back resulting in a traumatic brain injury. I have auditory and information processing issues and originally had been diagnosed with short-term memory loss, which I have overcome.

My work is how I process things. I have been diagnosed with OCD, PTSD, Bipolar 1, GAD, and Major Depressive Disorder. Due to my mental health, I wish to remain anonymous.

I am a self-taught anonymous Artist and Poet, going by Whatimleavingbehind. My work usually combines allegory and color psychology. Made with the lost wax casting method using air vents, not vacuum assisted. I use dental tools and a candle, using techniques in wax with alloys of Silver, Germanium, and Copper and usually heat treated for germanium dioxide.

This is what I'm leaving behind all the things in life I find beautiful, dreams, memories, illness, ideas, and my gratefulness for being alive. This is what I put into my work.

Losing Grip


The texture of the hair depicts bubbling thoughts, hands clenched at sides, nude - feeling exposed, depicting paranoia.

2 x 4 x 1 inches, 1 lb.

Dark Mirror


1.5 x 1.5 inches


Varga Erika Veronika