Madelyn Marlowe

I hold my hand to my chest and feel my heartbeat—each push against my chest a reminder that it's one beat closer to stillness. It rattles my ribcage, trying to comfort me, but I know the truth. I tell myself it's okay because death grants us freedom, giving us the will to live. After all, what is living to someone who doesn't understand endings? I try to find comfort in it, like those around me, yet the thought of my chest growing still, the absence of a beat, keeps me awake and is slowly invading my every thought.

Madelyn Marlowe is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts as well as a Bachelor of Art Education at Montana State University Billings. Learning from her father, art has always played a major role in her life, and through her work, she hopes to invite the viewer to see the world and experience life as she sees it. She wishes for others to understand the value and power that artwork can have on the individual and believes it offers a glimpse into another's soul. Using art she hopes to both connect and learn more about what it means to live.

Doodle Bones

Oil on Canvas

12 x 36 inches



Lily Schuberth


Marek Sutkowski